November 2022

Creating Towering Designs

Submitted by kate.elliott on

In STEM students are learning all about how to use the Engineering Design Process.  We built spaghetti towers to practice going through each step of the process.  The tallest tower made out of 20 spaghetti noodles that could hold up a marshmallow was 28 1/2 inches tall!!


Family Haven Visitor

Submitted by kate.elliott on

Sixth graders in Mrs. Brown's class had a presentation in November by Sydney Turner on how to manage stress and anxiety.  Sydney is from Family Heaven and taught students healthy habits to help students manage their own mental wellness!  

Grand Opening Sale Continued through December 22nd!

Submitted by kate.elliott on

Head's up! Your NEW 24/7 MAPLE GROVE MIDDLE SCHOOL Sideline Store is officially up and running. To celebrate, we're offering fans an epic, month-long promotion— 15% OFF sitewide when you use code SPIRIT15. Stop reading and start shopping to score the latest fan wear and accessories. Then get out there and cheer on your team.

November Student of the Month

Submitted by kate.elliott on

Congratulations to our November Students of the Month.  These students truly REACH higher to make Maple Grove an amazing place to be!  Well done!

6th grade:
Back Row: Eliza Green, Shelbie Nelson, Theresa Larios, Ellie Hilton, Amri Bernard, Kylee Nelson

Front Row: Dax Gordillo, Hudson Trapnell, Joshua McGee, Carson Boring, Luke Burr, Peter James, Parker Orgill

Not pictured: Skylar Sperry and Melody Linan

Reflections Contest Winners

Submitted by kate.elliott on

Forty nine Maple Grove Students participated in the Show Your Voice Reflections contest this year.  Twenty-four students earn an award of excellence, four earned awards of merit and 21 students earned participation awards. 

A special award went to Sarah Clark who had four entries in the competition.

Congratulations to all the students. 

Veterans Day Art Contest

Submitted by kate.elliott on

We had amazing art work created for the Veterans Day Art Contest. The winners are...

1st Place Raphael Melo 
2nd Place Lillian Newman
3rd Place Madalyn Garner
4th Place Lucy Ward
5th Place Boston Migliaccio

Well done students! We loved having your art work up to honor our Veterans.

Veterans Day

Submitted by kate.elliott on

Thank you Veterans and special thanks to TSgt Joshua Smith for helping us better understand what it means to fight for your country and to keep trying in the face of adversity.  Thanks also to Mrs. Mayne and the choir for helping us feel the patriotic spirit of the day!  

Penny Wars

Submitted by kate.elliott on

Maple Grove Penny Wars from November 14-18.  Students can bring change and donate to help local families. This will be a friendly competition between 1st Period Classes.  Pennies and dollars count toward a class total.  Silver coins count against totals for other classes.  Bombshells (places to donate) will be open before school!  Thanks for your support!