College and Career Awareness Learns About Being a Police Officer

Submitted by kate.elliott on

All of the CCA classes had the opportunity to listen to Officer Wolfgramm.  He is the school resource officer for Maple Grove.  He discussed what is needed to become a police officer and the role officers play in the safety and security of the community.  He talked about life as a police officer and answered student questions.  Thanks Officer Wolfgramm!

Velocity and Motion

Submitted by kate.elliott on

Heidi Broderick's class is learning about motion and velocity.  Students completed a constant velocity lab where they were measuring, timing,
calculating, and graphing their results in order to determine if their car was in constant motion, with constant velocity.

Stand For Kind

Submitted by kate.elliott on

Duncan Kirkwood and the Band Pool House joined us at Maple Grove to teach students that they can change the world by being kind and resilient.  They asked the students to pledge to "Place Their Mission First."  Make school a priority and do it well.  They also asked students to "Never Accept Defeat."  Even when they have challenges or failures, Mr.

DNA Mystery

Submitted by kate.elliott on

Have you ever wondered what makes you, you?  Our 7th graders at MGMS got to look at their own DNA in their College and Career Awareness classes this month.

¿Habla español?

Submitted by kate.elliott on

Glen Beebe's Spanish students had to run out in the hall to locate different parts of a story in Spanish. They had to memorize what the part said and come back into the classroom.  They then would dictate their part to another student who wrote down what was said. Another student then illustrated what was going on in that part of the story. After all parts of the story were written and illustrated, teams sequenced the events of the story, putting everything in order from beginning to end.


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Every Friday, students in Jaimie Dannelly's 7th grade English class have the chance to get their creative juices flowing during their "Scribble" time! Scribbles are an opportunity for students to write about whatever they want! Pictures are provided to give students inspiration, but students are allowed to write their own stories, continue stories from previous weeks, or even do personal writing. After the writing, students can share what they wrote with the class which takes a lot of courage!